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Squeak problems start when the subfloors divide/separate from the floor joists in-between the woods or joined boards/tiles.In this topic today, how to fix squeaky floorboards in the home, offices and other habitant places will be discussed shortly, in order to maintain our properties and also make our home improved from Creaked floors and Squeaks.

When you have a problem of Creaked or Squeaky floor in your home, in order to determine/established the root cause of your floor, why it is loose or causing noise or shaking, you’ll need to pinpoint the exact location of the noise/or cracking by having a second partner/someone step on the floor whilst you listen closely for the noise and watch out for the floorboard shakes or movements.

Once you’ve gotten where the problem is, you check and find out which of all that is the cause of the loose cracking, noise and start up the solutions on how to fix it. After all this, and you’re not too sure on what is causing the cracking/noise, then a professional carpenter or handyman is needed to access the problem and fix it all up.


1. IMPROPER FITTING OF NAILS: If by fixing your nails to the floorboards and the nails are not fix improperly or it’s too short or not long enough to keep it strong, you will have to remove the nails and fix it properly to the floorboards, also if the nails are roast or damaged, removed and fit it back to where it has gone wrong.

2. FILLING IN CONSTRUCTION GLUE/EPOXY RESIN: After checking and finding out that a gap or long space at the floor joists, fill in gaps or long spaces with a construction glue or epoxy resin into the spaces/gaps on both sides of the joist.Once adding the construction glue/epoxy resins and it hardens up, it will stop the cracking noise, shaking/movements.

3. OIL/MOISTURE/WATER EXCESSIVENESS: Too much oil and moistures to the wood flooring will make it contract, if there is water leaking and it enters the wood, it will also absorb into it and change, which can cause noises, warping and gaps in the floorboards.Badly, there is no quick fix, so the damaged floorboards will be removed and new ones fixed.It also has to be taken care of to avoid a repeated incident by cleaning up all leaks or spills of oil/moistures/water immediately.

4. INSTALLING OF BLOCKS: An effective way to quiet Squeaky floors is to add or install blocks in-between the floor joists, by putting on or adding blocks in-between the floor joists which makes it stronger and also at the end of each blocking to avoid a creaking and noisy joists.

5. BAD SUBFLOOR INSTALLATION: If your Subfloor is bad from the installation it could leave gaps between the floated down wood floor making it create a creaking noise.Installation from the beginning of the floorboards can worsen your floorboards, so by finding the solution is by the installation and refitting it back or being corrected.


if you find that there are more complex issues with the supporting floor joists, you seek the help of a professional Carpenter or handyman. Problems you cannot fix by yourself, too possible holes have been drilled into floorboards due to internal/external factors/issues such as damp, rot and others.The Professional Carpenters OR Handyman called or checked will be calling in, to check your floorboards once in a while or as a contract to check, work or maintain the Squeaky Floorboards or other Home Maintenances to improve the Home properties and keeping it in a good conducive place live in.