Property maintenance relates to the upkeep of either a home, apartment, rental property or a building.
Sometimes property maintenance can seem long and stressful for landlords, so today we will be discussing 10 easy ways to save time on property maintenance. These easy ways will help you save time on managing your property(ies) as a whole.
It’ll be very helpful to review or survey a property before committing to buying it, however should you already be a multi landlord and don’t wish to acquire more, then this point might be unnecessary to you.

For other landlords, ensure that the property/site has been thoroughly surveyed by a professional surveyor, as this will allow them to find out if there are any problems with the property you should be aware of before committing to it.
Even after the survey has been carried out there are some questions that the surveyor might not answer that you might want to ask yourself, questions such as:

- Does the property have a garden, if so is it one that requires high maintenance or not, and will it be fitting for your ideal tenant?
- Is the property I am trying to buy in a good neighbourhood?
- Is the heating system in good working order? As these can be expensive to replace. So you’ll need to check to see if it’s something that will need to be replaced sooner?
- Are there any outhouses or sheds that need extra maintenance?
If proper investigation is carried out before committing to buying a property, you’ll find out that you’ll save yourself a lot of stress and time in the long run as you are more likely to find a property that will not be in need of continuous maintenance.

Tenant referencing is done by all landlords, they evaluate the prospective tenant and assess the likelihood of the tenant looking after their property, because not only will having the wrong tenant cost you a lot of money, fixing the wreck caused by the tenant will take up a lot of time as well money. So to avoid this thorough reference process should be put in place. Some tenants can be out of control to say the least, causing problems, being loud and abusive, so tenant’s are worth investigating to avoid the headache.
Look for expert companies to help you with the screening of tenants and tenant referencing, if you are busy and don’t have the time to do so.

As well as advising tenants to report any problems whenever it happens, landlords should also get the issues attended to in a good time frame. See who is responsible for repairs in a property. Reported issues should not be left alone, because if left unsolved it will cost more time and money to fix. Let your tenants know that it is possible for things to get damaged in the property, and that as the landlord you are prepared to work on them – some tenants might be scared and not want to inform their landlords of the damage thinking they might be asked to pay for the damage themselves.
The essence of having a good procedure is to save time and energy; the word procedure can sound tedious and repetitive, and makes people think of offices and their perpetual systems making people not like it.
Once you remember something, dealing with it immediately is important, a procedure doesn’t need to be written down if you are not working with other people. Once a problem is reported by a tenant it is important to act fast.
Once the issue or damage is reported to the landlord, they will then contact a home improvement company that will fix the damage, the home improvement company will then arrange to view the jobs should this be needed, once this is done, the home improvement company will then provide a quote to the landlord, if it accepted then depending on availabilities, a date will be arranged for the job to be done.

To save yourself a lot of time in the near future, build up a good relationship with a trusted business person that gives you a good price because it is hard to find one. Instead of searching for them when you will have problems later on. Make good relationships with them, remember their names, their details and always be friends with them on social media platforms.
These are a few tips for saving time on property maintenance.
Maintaining your property may feel like a great task to undertake. At IQueue Property Solutions Ltd, we can implement a range of maintenance jobs for landlords of residential and commercial properties and homeowners alike.
IQueue Property Solutions Ltd is proud of the exceptional level of care and attention we have on every single project we undertake whether it’s small or big.
We can undertake a variety of property maintenance and repair services on both residential and commercial properties, these includes;
- End of tenancy refreshment
- End of tenancy cleaning
- Carpentry & joinery
- Cleaning services
- Damp proofing & timber treatment
- Repairing and maintenance of central heating by Gas Safe Engineers. Landlord certificates can also be provided. Plumbing
- Kitchen & bathroom installation & repair
- Electrical reports, inspections & repairs
- Painting & decorating
- Plastering & rendering
- Property maintenance & repair
- Water damage & insurance work
- Tiling
- Mastic/Sealant
To speak to a member of the team about your property maintenance requirements, please call us on 07432 096 829 between 8:00 AM and 6:00 PM, Monday – Friday or email us at